Diablo immortal downlod for android.

Diablo Immortal- Download for Android.
Diablo Immortal is an upcoming  action game role playing hack and slash video game in the Diablo Series designed for online multiplayer play on mobile devices. Developed by Blizzard and NetEase, the game was announced in late 2018 and planned for release on Android and iOS with no set release date.
Diablo Immortal is a massively multiplayer online action game inthe Diablo series designed for for a mobile device. The fast-paced Immortal is set between the events of Diablo II and Diablo III, and borrows the look and feel of the latter.
The game is designed for a touchscreen with a virtual that overlay the display: a directional thumbstick and ability buttons. The player can hold the ability by holding is buttons. Each of the six character classses- Brabarian,Wizard,Monk,Necromancer,Demon Hunter, and Crusader - have four abilites  which differ a across character classes. For example,the  Barbarian's class abilites include a slamming hammer and turning into whirlwind, while the Wizard abilites include a a beam of elecricity thats boomerang back to its source dealing damage twice. Skills generally aim towards the nearst enemy. Blizzards plans for each class to have 12 unlockable skills, from which the player choose five concurrently.
   Defeated enemies drop items ("loot") that can be equipped via a pop-up buttons. Player can join and leave groupthat play through a "Dynamic events".Unlike other Diablo series games in the Immortal preview, the mana resource is removed and newly equipped items do not change the visiual appreance of the player's character.
Immortal is co-developed by Blizzard and NetEase.The latter developer had been Blizzard's partner for chinese market release. Blizzard intended to bring the core Diablo exprience to the smartphones platforms. As a result it interface reflect the choice that would make the that exprience best fit the medium. By designing for a smartphone gaming audience,Immortl was designed to reach demoghraphic and geographic that use mobile phones as their main gaming platform and may not otherwise interact with Diablio and other gaming platform. 

The game is planned for release on Android and iOS platforms. No release date is set. Player can pre-register on the game's website for admission to playtest the beta. Blizzard also announced plans to keep the Immortal exprience fresh after its intial release with the regural adition of stories and characters.The game was announced at the openning ceremony of  BlizzCon in november 2018.

The announcement'sd response was largely negative. While traditional gaming audience often express skepticism towards diluted mobile version of a cherished franchise,the Diablo series community discotent was compounded by their anticipation fior a largely announcement. They expressed their discontent through online channels,likening Immortal to a reskin of one of NetEase's prior games Crusader of light. Blizzard respond that Immortal is one of Diablo series games in active development exprience and the success of the of mobile version of Hearthstone as evidence of blizzard's capacity of overcome uncertainly and do right by their core audience. Blizzard akso respond to a rumor that they had withheld announcementof a main Diablo sequel due to the nagative response at Immortal's reveal;Blizzard stated "we didn;t pull any announcement from BlizzCon this year or have palns for other announcements. We do continue to have differents teams working on multiple unannounced Diablo project, and we look forward to announcing when the time is right.
After the reveal at BlizzCon, developers participated in a Q&A with attendees. Two particular questions leveled at Wyatt Cheng,Principle Game Desinger at Blizzard,drew significant attention from media and audience alike,with one attendee asking if announcement was'out of season April Fools' joke and another asking if it there was a possibility fore PC release leading to the crowd booing when the answer was negative.
following the annoncement,Activision Blizzard's stock fell 7% on the first weekday of trading.
Preview of the game's demo approved for the game's control, its interface haveing been tested by prior NetEase games, though Polygon's reviewer noted difficulties in precision controls. The locked abilites made some character classes more enjoyable to play; for example, the Wizard's long cast times and cooldown timers made their class less effective in groups.

Demo reviewers felt that where Immortal captured the series' look and feel, it omitted some of its core tenets, or as Polygon put its Diablo's "soul". Whereas the mobile game captured the basic Diablo exprience, the reviewers questioned whether the new entry had enough new content to remain fresh. 
