Resident evil 2 download for android

Resident Evil 2- Download for Android 

Resident Evil 2 is a survival horror  a game developed and published by  Capcom and released for the Play Station in 1998. The control Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, who must escape Raccoon City after its citizens are transformed into zombies by a biological weapons two months after the event of the original Resident Evil. The game play focuses on exploration,puzzles and combat; the main difference from the predecessor are the branching paths, with each player character having unique story lines and obstacles.  
Resident Evil 2 was directed by Hideki Kamiya, produced by Shinji Mkami-director of the first Resident Evil-and developed by a team of 50 over 21 months.the initial version of the game, commonly referred to as Resident Evil 1.5, differed drastically and was canceled when it was around two third complete after Mikami decided it was inadequate. The final design introduce a more cinematic presentation.
Resident evil 2 received critical acclaim, with praise for its atmosphere,setting,graphics,audio,scenarios and over all game play, as well as its improvement over the original game, but the some criticism towards its controls, voice acting and certain game play elements. It has appeared on a number of lists of the best video game ever made. It is the best-selling Resident Evil game for a single platform, selling 4.96 million copies on the Play Station. It was ported to Windows, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast and Game Cube and a modified 2.5 D version was released for the handheld. The the story of Resident Evil 2 was retold and built upon the several later games. and has been adapted into a variety of licensed works. It was followed by Resident Evil 3:Nemesis in 1999.        
A screen shoot showing protagonist Leon in battle with zombies
at a police department. The character and items models are only 
moving elements  of the graphics. The background are pre-rendered
still images,which allows for a higher level of graphical details.

As a survival horror game, Resident Evil 2 features the same basic game play mechanics as its predecessor, Resident Evil. The players explore a fictional city while solving puzzles and fighting monsters. The game's two protagonists may be equipped with firearms, but limited ammunition  tactical element to weapons use. On the status screen, the player can check the condition on the protagonist, use medicine to heal their wounds, and assign weapons. The characters current health can also be determined by their posture and movement speed. For example, a character will hold their stomach in pain is wounded, and will limp slowly if one of the verge of death. The protagonist may carry a limited numbers of items, and must store others placed throughout the game world, where they may later be retrieved. Each protagonist is joined by support partner during the course of the story. These character accompany the player in certain scenes and occasionally become payable. Certain rooms contain typewriter that the player may used to save the game. However each save expend one of a limited number of ink ribbons which the player must collect in game world. The graphics of Resident Evil 2 are composed of real time generated-and thus movable-polygon character and items models,
superimposed over pre-rendered  background that are viewed from fixed camera angles.The game uses tank control, meaning the pressing up moves the character in the direction they face, down reverses them, and lift right rotates them, regardless of the perspective of the camera.
        The main addition over the preceding the game is the "Zapping System", by which each of the two playable characters are confronted with different puzzles and story lines in their respective scenarios. After finishing the "A" scenario with one protagonist a "B" scenario in which the events are depicted from the character's perspective,is unlocked. The original version of Resident Evil 2 contains two stands-alone mini games:"The 4th Survivor" and "The To-fu Survivor". In both of these mini games, the player must reach the goal while fighting every enemy along the way with only the default item load out. All later version ( except the Nintendo 64 version) add a third mini games,"Extreme Battle ", which consist of four playable character and three stages .   
On September 29,1998, two months after the events of the first  Resident Evil,most citizens of the Midwestern America mountain community Raccoon City have been transformed into zombies by the T-virus, a biological weapon secretly developed by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella. Leon S. Kennedy, a police officer on his first day of duty, and Claire Red field, a collage student looking for his brother Chris, make their way to the Raccoon Police Department. They discover that most of the police force have been killed, and that Chris has left town to investigate Umbrella's headquarters in Europe. The split up to look for survivors and find a way out of the city. While searching for an escape route, Claire meets a little girl,Sherry Birkin, who is on the run form an unknown creatures and Leon encounter Ada Wong, who claim to be looking for her boyfriend John an Umbrella researcher.    In Resident Evil 1.5 player could control a female
protagonist called Elza Walker. The zombies in this early 
version were less detailed, and the interior of the police station 
had a more modern design.
Development of Resident Evil 2 began one month after the completion of its predecessor in early 1996.The first footage was shown at the V Jump festival 96' in July. This build later dubbed Resident Evil 1.5 by producer Shinji Mikami, differed drastically from the final version. Its plot followed the same basic outlined and featured a zombie outbreak in the Raccoon city two month after the events of the first game. However, Umbrella had already been closed a consequences of their illegal experiment.
The development team sought to retain the level of fear from the original game and introduce two character who lacked experience with terrifying situation:Leon S. Kennedy,largely identical to his person in the final build and Elza Walker, a collage student and motorcycle racer vacationing in Raccoon City, her hometown. Unlike the final version, the character paths did not cross, and each character had two support partners instead of the one Leon received help from the fellow police officer Marvin Branagh and research Linda -an early version of Ada-while Elza was aided by  Sherry Birkin and John who appeared in Resident Evil 2 as gun shop owner Robert Kendo.                 
